Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Chocolate War - What Would Jerry Do? 7th Period

Pretend you are Jerry. How would you handle the same situation? Write a well developed response using the same format as yesterday. You must respond to three classmates today.

Your assignment is to respond to the above prompt.  You must write a well developed paragraph consisting of at least 10 sentences.  Please make sure that you use correct grammar, proper punctuation, and common sense in your response.  Once you write your response, you must respond to at least three classmates.  Make sure that you include your first name and last initial in your posting and that you tell which classmate you are responding to.  If your posting is deemed to be inappropriate, it will be removed, and you will not receive credit.   


  1. If I was Jerry and i was being peer pressured like he was by being blackmailed I would still do what I want and not listen to them because if I want to do somthing then I will because I dont care if someone wanted me to do somthing. Jerry should have done the same thing because if he didnt want to do what the vigils was telling him to do because they said they would blackmail him he should have told someone what they was doing(perferably an adult)so that they could do something about it because he sould have the right to do whatever he wants wether he was being blackmailed are not.Jerry should have stood up for himself. If Jerry would have stood up for himself then he probaby would not have been getting blackmailed.

    shane w.

  2. If I were Jerry, I would ignore the Vigils and do as I please. I would watch my surroundings, because in highschool people will do anything to you if they don't like you. I would lose popularity for what I liked and I would gain myself instead of following others. Jerry is in a tough situation. However, I would not listen to the Vigils. I would think about which was more important, being yourself or doing what others want you to do. You can't always make people happy. Making someone else happy is really very rare. Not everyone will like you, especially when you act like yourself. I am my own person and I don't particularly care for any other opinions, so if I were Jerry I would sell the chocolates.

    Anna S.

  3. If I was in his position I would tell them to leave me alone. I wouldn't let anyone tell me what to do. I would tell them that they can not tell me what to do because it's my life and I do as I please. I wouldn't let the Vigils tell me what to do. I would stand my ground and show how I feel. If I wanted to sell chocolates, I would. They would not tell me, not to sell the chocolates. It's my choice and I will sell chocolates if i want. I can not stand that someone would try to tell me what to do. This is my view on things.
    -Caitlin B.

  4. if i was jerry i would just sit in class or anywhere i.m at and just do my work with no lip bakc because i dont want to get wrote up or get in any kind of trouble for not following simple directions. i also would ask questions to understand better of what i dont know for whatever i dont want to do my work. jerry needs to except that he's in school or where ever it requires rules and follow them because at some point he has to listen to someone gives order, its life. if i were jerry and i was bein peer pressured i would quickly go tell someone because i dont want to hurt myself or feel bad about myself to fit in or to be popular or doing what some other child says to get in this or that. if i were jerry and ii was bein peer pressured i would stand up for myself and say whats on my miond or how i feel about the situation.

  5. Keke Berry - above this

  6. Anna S.
    I completely agree with you. You should stand up for what you want and not let people push you around.

  7. Shane, I agree with you completely. Telling an adult that isn't sided with the Vigils is a smart idea.

    Caitlin, in a situation like that it isn't easy to stand up for yourself and it is not always safe. I do not agree with you.

    Anonymous(no name), I agree with you too because staying out of trouble and getting help is a good solution.

    -Anna S.

  8. Anna S. I agree with you 100% your right when you said that you should be you own person and that people will do whatever they can to hut you if they dont like like you.
    -Shane W.

  9. anna , i agree because i would ignore it to but you cant ignore it to much because it gets aggravating and fustrating and you would want to do something about it.

    Keke Berry

  10. Im not very concerned about what other people do nor think. I don't think that his class mates should have peer pressured him either. If it was me i would have told them to leave me alone. Then again maybe Jerry was having a bad day and just didn't want to do the assighnment. Jerry teacher should have told the students to stop and let Jerry make his own decision. If i was Jerry i would have did the work and just stop giving my teacher problems. I would have just said okay or if i was having a bad day asked her could i put my head down and take it home with me. As a student of Griffin High maybe he's has classmates like me that can just mess uo your whole day. I hope and think that Jerry will learn from his mastake that he made.

    -Shamria L.

  11. If I was in Jerry shoes I would do it. Just knowing that I am a Junior in high school&I need all of myy credits. but then again i will have to think about it. because I really dont like being under peer pressure. when im under peer pressure I tend to get very angry. Jerry should just think about it,if he think he is passing the class well enough&think he dont need it then that's fine. If your credits are looking good then you don't have nothing to worry about. just think abot your grades first. Education should come first,so Jerry just think about it. All I can say is look at your credits first.

    -Monique Chapman

  12. Shane W.
    I agree because you should not let anyone tell you how to be. You should be yourself and not let anyone judge you.

  13. Shane w, I agree wit you strongly .

  14. Caitln, i dont agree with you either b ecause its sometimes hard to stand up for your self in a peer pressured situation.

    Keke Berry

  15. i agree with Anna. they really cant tell you what to do. They wiol do anything to you if they don't like you or you aint there friend.

  16. Shane w, I agree wit you strongly .

    -Shamaria L.

  17. Monique C.
    I agree with you on the credits part but i strongly believe he shouldn't let people boss him around. He should think hard about the situation and not let others decide for him!

  18. If I were in Jerry’s shoes, I’d have a different way of handling things. First, I would stand up for myself against the Vigils and tell them no. It would probably gain me nothing for doing so, if anything it would get me picked on and messed with. In all reality though, who will remember the kid who stopped selling chocolates? I think they will remember the kid who finally did what nobody else had the guts to do and stand up against the group that “ran the school”. I would rather be the kid who turned the tables around and had greater honor and integrity to do so. If the people around you are true enough, they will see the right in your actions and stick by you. The Vigils need to learn that they don’t have power over Jerry…Jerry does. He should just worry about the football team and his academics, nothing else. What are the Vigils going to do? Are they going to harass him until he does what they say? If they do then Jerry will have the power to shut them down.

  19. Caitlin B. I agree with you to bacause you should not let anyone tell you what to do.

    keke berry i also would go along with you to because i would think that you was saying to stay out of trouble and just do your work and i agree with that
    -Shane W.

  20. Anna S.
    I completely agree with you. You should stand up for what you want and not let people push you around.

    - Caitlin B.

  21. Jerry needs to learn to be a little more tough. It seems to be the virgils are pushing him around. If i was him and told not to sell the chocolates i would do it anyway. Who are they to tell me what to do and not to do ? Im my own person and can make my own desicions. I want to be the brightest star of the sky , so why would i let someone else take my shine ? I would stand up to people who think they can put me down. Im very assertive when it comes to someone thinking they can handle me. Jerry should learn to be strong in himself. So then he would be a better person in handling negative peer pressure. - BREANNA H.

  22. Monique C.
    I agree with you on the credits part but i strongly believe he shouldn't let people boss him around. He should think hard about the situation and not let others decide for him!

    -Caitlin B.

  23. monique, i agree because i'm a sophmore and i need my credits to and i would need to get my work done.

  24. If I were in Jerry’s shoes, I’d have a different way of handling things. First, I would stand up for myself against the Vigils and tell them no. It would probably gain me nothing for doing so, if anything it would get me picked on and messed with. In all reality though, who will remember the kid who stopped selling chocolates? I think they will remember the kid who finally did what nobody else had the guts to do and stand up against the group that “ran the school”. I would rather be the kid who turned the tables around and had greater honor and integrity to do so. If the people around you are true enough, they will see the right in your actions and stick by you. The Vigils need to learn that they don’t have power over Jerry…Jerry does. He should just worry about the football team and his academics, nothing else. What are the Vigils going to do? Are they going to harass him until he does what they say? If they do then Jerry will have the power to shut them down.
    Krisstall B.

  25. Shane W.
    I agree because you should not let anyone tell you how to be. You should be yourself and not let anyone judge you.
    -Caitlin B.

  26. Anna S , I understand where you are coming from . Jerry should have did what was best for him.

    _Shamaria L.

  27. Caitlin i really agree with you 100%!

  28. If I was Jerry I woud not do the assignmet. Other people cant tell me to do something I dont want to do. Unless the assignmet would benefit me then I wouldnt be interested. If I let the peer pressure get to me it will seem like im easy to tell what to do. People could take advantage of me and push me around. I would stand up for myself and not do the assignment.

  29. Anna S.
    I agree with you completely, you've put the thing he should do in better words than I could have. Im glad to see im not the only person that thinks that way.
    Krisstall B.

  30. - BREANNA H.
    Krisstall ,
    I completely agree who cares who funraises the most chocolate ? People would most regconize you for being bold and standing up for yourself.

    - Krisstall B.

  31. Krisstall B.
    I strongly agree with you. You made a lot of very good points. I think that is exactly what he should do!
    -Caitlin B.

  32. Kristall B , I agree , It takes a strong person to do that. Jerry should have been the strong person to.

  33. Breanna H
    I agree with you!

  34. Anna S. I agree with you Jerry should what he thinks is best for him.

  35. Kristall B , I agree , It takes a strong person to do that. Jerry should have been the strong person to.

    -Shamaria L.

  36. If I was in Jerrys' position I would not let other people tell me what I can and can not do. If I like to do something and poeple dont like it then they will have to learn how to respect my hobby. I know jerry may not know what to do in a situation like this, but I think if he likes to sell chocolate then he should do it no matter what other people say. I know its tough being peer pressured to do something especialy when in a group. Sometimes its just best to follow your heart. If I was ever peer pressured to do something and I didnt want to do then I would just do what I think is best. Like I always tell myself I will always do what I want to do no matter what anyone else thinks about it. High school teens should have to go threw peer pressure like how jerry was.

    Cris G.

  37. Krisstal. I agree with you

  38. Monique ,
    I understand where your comming from because being under peer pressure is no fun. Its also sometimes hard to deal with.

    - BREANNA H.

  39. Monique C,
    I understand why you would think that you should "just do it" but why? I mean, sure you need your credits but you can easily get them by staying in the right. Plus, you haven't given a very strong point as to why a decision like this should be thought about. It's either right or wrong. Yeah, peer pressure sucks but why have peers that do that to you and still hang around them???
    Krisstall B.

  40. What would I do if I was in Jerry's position? I don't think I would've done the command. Selling chocolate is supposed to be a choice of yours. They should not try to make you do anything you don't want to do. Like I know if they tried to make me sell chocolates it wouldn't get done. Or if i did decide to do it i would do a half job. One reason is, I am not a very good sells person. So, i wouldn't sell very many items. I also just don't like being told that I'm obligated to do something and the command isn't from my parents.

    J. Jordan

  41. If I was Jerry I would do the assignment. In high school its hard to make up credits and it takes a lot of time out of other things you can be doing. I would even most likely do the assignment if I did not really want to. I also would not pay the peer pressure of the Vigils any attention because school is important and you really can't do anything with out an education. I'm a Sophomore in high school and it is hard but if you stay focused and not worry about others and the peer pressure then you will be good. Peer pressure is one of those things that I do not take kindly because i hate being pressured into doing things. If I am going to do something then i do it because i like it or for my grade not because of peer pressure. Peer pressure is just another way of bullying someone. Grades are important and education should always come first. Unless you are passing a class well enough to decide you do not want to do an assignment i suggest you do it.

    Zhanndi Driver

  42. Anna ,
    I agree people can be childish in highschool . They tend to do anything to you when they dont like you. Also i applaud you for being yourself knowing you may lose popularity.

    - BREANNA H.

  43. If i was put in the situation like jerry I woulnd't do what they tell me cause they dont own me and they can't make me do anything I want to do. If you know that you do want to do something and you get pressured into doing it that lets you know that you shouldn't be haging around those type of people. Peer pressure is the most common thing that happens to teens and they end up getting in troble if I was jerry i would not sell the chocolate for the secret club just cause they ask you too. You would would have to do it for yourself and not let anybody perswade you into doing what they want you to do just cause they tell you too.

  44. Monique Chapman- I agree with you because your education should always come first. Its your way out into the world as a successful person.

    Zhanndi Driver

  45. Cris G.
    I agree with because a teacher shouldn't try and obligate you to do something if you don't want to do it.

    J. Jordan

  46. Kristall B. I strongly agree with your answer. I really think that jerry does not deserve to deal with a situation like this.

    Cris G.

  47. Keke.
    I agreed with you up until the point you told Caitlin B. that it was hard in a peer pressured situation? I disagree on that. It isn't hard at all, look them in the face and tell them no. If they are good people they will understand and move on. To ever think that you have no choice in something is ridiculous! Like I told everyone else, there is a right way and a wrong way in doing things...
    Krisstall B.

  48. If I was in jerry's possition I would keep selling chocolates. Why,because if thats the thing that I like doing I will just keep doing it. I think the most important is do what you like to do. Another reason is that I really dont care what other people thinks of me. If they dont like the fact of me selling chocolates, well its me not them. Im not going to stop doing what I like to do just because other people want me to stop. I do what I enjoy to do. No body is going to tell me what I can do and what not,its my life not there's. So yes I would keep doing it, plus I be making money. And this is my opinion.

  49. If I were in Jerry’s shoes, I’d have a different way of handling things. First, I would stand up for myself against the Vigils and tell them no. It would probably gain me nothing for doing so, if anything it would get me picked on and messed with. In all reality though, who will remember the kid who stopped selling chocolates? I think they will remember the kid who finally did what nobody else had the guts to do and stand up against the group that “ran the school”. I would rather be the kid who turned the tables around and had greater honor and integrity to do so.


  50. Erin J.- I agree with you about the friend thing because if they are your friends then no, they shouldn't be pressuring you into doing anything.

    Zhanndi Driver

  51. Breanna H I totally agree with you,you need to step up for your self once in your life. if you need the moneyy then sell the chocolates.

    -Monique Chapman

  52. Zhanndi D I agree with your post. I really think that peer pressure is just another way of bullying. And I dont think that no teen should be bullyed.

  53. Krisstall B.

    What you said was so true, you should always stand up to what you believe in.

    J. Jordan

  54. I agree with Cris g because no body should tell you what can do and can not.

  55. Anna- I agree with you because there are some childish people in high school. People like to pick on others and do all kinds of childish things.

    Zhanndi Driver

  56. Anna S I strongly agree with your statement. I think that if you just be yourself that everyone would like for you and not who you want to be.

    Cris G.

  57. If I was Jerry, I think what I would do is to sale all the chocolates, and find myself doing it, I will enjoy to do it because is what I want to do, the importance to do what you feel is so important because people will know your real qualities and talents. If something is going wrong the detail you will keep in your mind and in your heart is the lived experience. I also will ubedrstand the big importance of a frindship between people who wants to konw your real personality. To give everything you have a for a cuause where you won't affect anybody with bad consequences is not an error. To start with a personal purpose for your life is a good deal. The end of mine experience could be as a testimonio to another people. This is mine opininion.

  58. If i was Jerry, i would do what is right, or what i feel is right. This situation is to be handle by yourself, and peer pressure will not affect the way i think. No matter if i don't have any friends, later in life i would have more friends. I just want to do what i feel is right and help myself and help my family. Just because my "supposedly" friends don't want me to do stuffs means am not going to do what i like. I will sale all the chocolates no matter how many friends i have. I will do what i want no one is going to tell me what to do. It's my life i care for myself and them are just "friends" that are trying to ruin my life. This is what i will do. I can find friends that will really care for me no matter what i do. I just want to be happy...

  59. If i was jerry, me being a student i would do what was given to me by the instructor. If a teacher gives my an assignment i'm going to do it. I'm going to take care of my own and handle my business. As a student you should always strive for even more than the best. If i was him in his situation with peer pressure i would handle it the best way possible. To be honest i'm not going to let a peer make any decision i can make myself. If your not my parent nor an adult, i dont want to hear your orders! Iv'e had times that i was tried to be pressured into doing something. I know how peer pressure feels. The best thing is to do is to make good choices. You should never get yourself into things that you cant get out of. -Jhamecia M.!(=

  60. Shane. W

    I agree with your comment, no one should be bullied into anything.

    J. Jordan
