Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Prayer for Owen Meany - Who is the book really about?

As you you have read the novel, you have probably wondered if the book is about Owen or John.  This is your chance to decide and prove if the main character is Owen or is it his best friend John.  Which boy is the main character/protagonist of the novel?  You MUST cite specific examples from the book to prove your point.  You MUST write at least 3 paragraphs proving your point.  You MUST write using correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc.  If you do not follow the guidelines, you will not receive credit.  This is not the place for you to make silly comments to your classmates; if you do, they will be removed, and you will not receive credit. 

This is due by the end of the class period today.  Once you are finished, you must respond to two classmates. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Prayer for Owen Meany - Discussion Posting #2

Your assignment for today is to answer the following question.  You are to thoughtfully respond to the question and then respond to at least two of your classmates.   Make sure that you include your name in your posting.

Would you be able to forgive Owen for what happens at the baseball game if you were John? Why might it be important that John forgive Owen?  Please make sure that you use specific examples from the novel. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Writer's Workshop - I Am What I Am...

Who are you?  What makes you you?  Your assignment for this week is to post a blog on who you are.  I want to know what makes you tick.  You must use Standard American English, correct punctuation, grammar, capitalization, etc.  Although I am asking to write about you, be mindful that this is the internet.  If I deem your posting to be inappropriate or offensive in nature, I will remove your posting, and you will receive a zero.  You will not be able to make up the assignment.  This assignment is due by Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 11:00 PM. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Writer's Workshop - Blog 1

Please write your weekly blog in the space below.  It is due by Friday, March 11, 2011 at 6:00 PM.  This week's blog topic is Censorship.  How do you feel about censorship?  Do you think that the government should interfere with a person's right to read whatever they want?  Do you think that parents should limit what their children read?  Is censorship right or wrong?  As a budding author, how do you feel about censorship?  This is your opportunity to tell us exactly how you feel about censorship.

Please be mindful that this is a public forum.  As such, you need to use polite language, correct grammar, and be respectful of the fact that someone may have an opinion that is different than yours.  You will also need to respond to the posting of one other person in the class.

Writer's Workshop - The Most Important Event in the History of the World

The world as we know it is about to end.  You are going to write an article about the ONE event that is most important and needs to be preserved in a specially made time capsule.  Your article can only be about one thing.  You will need to answer the 5 Ws in your article and make sure that you have plenty of supporting details.  Make sure that your article has at least five paragraphs or more if needed. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Prayer for Owen Meany - Is there really a divine plan?

Owen Meany is a rather odd fellow.  He doesn't look like the other kids, they pick on him, and yet he takes it all in stride.  Is that normal to be so accepting of others when they are not accepting of you?  In John Irving's novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany, the main character is so vastly different from the other children in his town but he is able to overcome the obstacles in his life.  Owen has a very strong belief that his life is as it is because that is the will of God.  In the novel, Irving (87) states, "GOD HAS TAKEN YOUR MOTHER.  MY HANDS WERE THE INSTRUMENT.  GOD HAS TAKEN MY HANDS.  I AM GOD'S INSTRUMENT." 

Using specific examples from the novel, please discuss whether or not Owen could possibly be God's instrument.  Is there a divine plan for each of us?  If so, how?  If not, why not?   You will respond to these questions as well as to at least two of your classmates.  Your responses must add to the discussion and be thoughtful in nature.  Please be mindful of the differing opinions of your classmates and do not attack the beliefs of anyone else.
Providing assistance to Tiffany and John as they work on their blog responses.

Answering Destiny's question about how to respond to her classmates on the blog.